Manufacturers of Alfalfa Powder, Tablets, Capsules
Alfalfa Leaf Powder is a treasured ancient herbal supplement and is one of the oldest superfoods in the world. Its name, “Alfalfa” comes from the Arabic language and means “father of all foods”. Alfalfa is a green superfood that is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. It derives its impeccable nutrition from roots that reach deep into layers of soil to absorb nutrients. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K as well as essential minerals like calcium, iron, carotene, and zinc. It also contains life-sustaining nutrients like protein, amino acids, and antioxidants, and is a leading source of chlorophyll among plants.
Used in both Chinese and Ayurvedic Indian traditional medicinal practices for its ability to heal, cleanse, protect and improve quality of life, Alfalfa Leaf Powder is still a wonderful source of health today. Alfalfa Leaf Powder is well-known for being a heart-healthy supplement because it helps reduce plaque from clogging arteries and may lower harmful HDL cholesterol levels within a normal range. These profound benefits decrease the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, and other heart-related health conditions. We are one of the World’s Leading Manufacturers of Alfalfa Powder, Tablets, and Capsules.
Organic alfalfa powder is considered a high-quality protein source because it provides all the essential amino acids. These building blocks of protein must be obtained through food since your body cannot synthesize them on its own. The protein quality of alfalfa grass powder makes it a beneficial addition to any diet, especially for vegetarians and vegans.
- Alfalfa Powder & Tablets have a rich source of the B complex, Vitamins plus A, C, D, E, K, and Biotin. It is also a rich source of proteins and minerals.
- Excellent nutrient for the whole body & alkaloids helps improve blood circulation.
- High dietary fibers help to reduce appetite, thus helping in weight reduction.
- High calcium helps to protect against fat accumulation thus enabling fat to improve energy levels.
- May help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
- It has been recognized by naturopaths as a useful adjunct in the treatment of diabetes, jaundice and kidney complaints, anemia, and rheumatism. Alfalfa, being highly alkaline assists in the control of uric acid, which builds up around the joints, and can be a cause of arthritic pain & gout.
- Alfalfa also works as a detoxifier, infection fighter, and cleanser, and is particularly noted for its diuretic effect, helping to expel retained fluid from the body. It is good for colon disorders and helps detoxify the liver. Chinese healers in the 6th Century used Alfalfa to treat kidney stones and to relieve fluid retention and swelling.
Normally if we start talking about Alfalfa and its benefits than I think, one whole day is less to explain its benefits because it contains maximum nutrition’s which we required. Below is the list of its nutrition moringa contains
- Alfalfa contains 20 types of amino acids
- It contains 46 antioxidants
- It contains 36 anti-inflammatory compounds
- More than 90 nutrients, which make it one of the best nutritional supplements
- Alfalfa contains iron, almost all the vitamins, potassium, zinc, and calcium
- Alfalfa is a good source of protein and dietary fibre
Dosage Powder: Take one rounded teaspoon (approx. 3.5 gms) of powder daily in the morning for maintaining good health. It should ideally be taken on an empty stomach before meals.
Serving Suggestion: Mix with water or juice. For better results, it should be taken with warm water
Alfalfa Tablets: Take 2 tablets twice a day for maintaining good health. It should ideally be taken on an empty stomach before meals. For better results, it should be taken with warm water